“Every thought is a cause & every condition is an effect. Change your thoughts & you change your destiny.” – Joseph Murphy

You can choose your favorite ice cream, but may not have a choice with what life throws at you. You can’t escape the flavor of life. You will have to taste every flavor that life offers you whether you like them or not. It’s difficult to accept, isn’t it? This is where our various counselling n training programs come into the picture. We help you train your mind in such a way that you become able to maintain a state of calmness in every circumstance and situation and treat sadness as a part of living and not something dreadful.

You can achieve the things you desire, and it’s not magic, but science. Activating your subconscious mind helps you not only remain calm but also achieve goals. The subconscious mind is like a storage system that stores your thoughts, beliefs, skills, memories and every experience without any alteration. It receives information from the conscious mind and shares it when the conscious mind requires that information. Beings are dimly aware of it since it remains in focal or peripheral awareness. Once it awakens and is trained, it helps you achieve what you want.

The subconscious mind remains in a perplexing situation until and unless it awakens. It doesn’t believe or agree with what your conscious mind has decided. So, it won’t be able to differentiate between true and false, right and wrong. We help you imprint your dreams, visions, and goals into your subconscious mind so that they become your reality.

“When you desire something with your heart & soul, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” ― Paulo Coelho


SOULFUL Individual Counseling & Trainings 


  •      Healing   

  •      Depression

  •      Work-Life Balance

  •      Relationship Issues

  •      Stress Management

  •      Prosperity / Abundance

  •      Self- Love / Manifestation

  •      Anxiety/ Anger Management

  •      Child/ Career /Parenting Skills

  •      Productivity & Efficiency Improvement

  •      Concentration & Memory Power Improvement

  • Ø Subconscious Mind Therapies      

  •         HypnoTherapies

  •      Past Life Regression                                                            

  •      Mid / Right Brain Activation

  •      EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

  •      CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Technique)

  •      NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)Therapies

  •      Future Life Progression

Mind Power Training for Students 

  • Concentration Training
  • Behavioral Training

Training for Corporates 

  • Productivity Training
  • Stress Management
  • Lifestyle Management 
  • Leadership Program
  • Personality Development 
  • Motivational Training


“When you desire something with your heart & soul, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” ― Paulo Coelho

You can achieve the things you desire, and it’s not magic, but science. Activating your subconscious mind helps you positively repeat your goals to yourself in order to achieve them. The subconscious mind is like a storage system that stores your thoughts, beliefs, skills, memories and every experience without any alteration. It receives information from the conscious mind and shares it when the conscious mind requires that information. Beings are dimly aware of it since it remains in focal or peripheral awareness. Once it awakens and is trained, it helps you achieve what you want.

The subconscious mind remains in a perplexing situation until and unless it awakens. It doesn’t believe or agree with what your conscious mind has decided. So, it won’t be able to differentiate between true and false, right and wrong. At COUNSELING MINDD, we help you imprint your dreams, visions, and goals into your subconscious mind so that they become your reality.


Our brain consists of two hemisphere – RIGHT hemisphere and LEFT hemisphere. Centers of all the five senses – vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch are located in left hemisphere and the much talked about 6th sense is located in the right hemisphere of the brain.  LEFT Hemisphere of the brain is conscious mind and thus keeps variety of POSITIVE and NEGATIVE thoughts. RIGHT Hemisphere is our sub-conscious mind, which does not argue but accepts suggestion as it is. When thoughts are concentrated , immense power can be generated for positive purposes.

Now we program SUBCONCIOUS MIND to establish positive linkages between various systems of the body and manifest positivity in various areas of life. More stress more is the pulsation rate. As a result, effective capability of our senses get impaired and has direct adverse effect on our systems/ physical body. The ill effects of stress gives rise to abnormal fluctuation in blood pressure, hormonal imbalances and psychosomatic disorders.

STRESS and ANXIETY Management

Stress means strain which results from the negative thoughts. The factory of all thoughts is brain, which is an important part of our body. Pulsation of brain and Stress is directly correlated.


‘REI’ means ‘COSMOS’ and ‘KI’ means ‘LIFE FORCE ENERGY’. REIKI means energy from the COSMOS. It is simple, natural method of spiritual healing and self improvement. It is transferred through attunement. It enables us to take energy from the COSMOS to the person receiving REIKI. The person giving REIKI just acts as a channel to transfer energy from the COSMOS.


Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. People who use this technique believe tapping the body can create a balance in your energy system and treat pain. A disruption in energy is the cause of all negative emotions and pain. EFT tapping has been used to treat people with anxiety and people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.


It is a SANSKRIT word meaning ‘CIRCULAR POWER’ which is natural evolutionary force common to human beings. According to the yogic view the physiological function of the body is governed by the Movement of the energy from 5 elements. These eternal energy centers are known as chakras and are of vital importance. Kundalini Shakti is a store house of vital energy in a human body. It naturally moves upward, from MULADHAR to SAHASTRAR Chakra and finally to the universe. As it rises through the spinal column and goes to the cosmic field through the CROWN chakra, it blends with the spiritual energy in the cosmic field and our body is showered with this SPIRITUAL energy. It further travels from each CELL to SOUL and thus divine download from the CELL to SOUL is done.


Brain is a 3 pound organ confined to the skull. The mind limitless in its scope still depends upon the Brain. The Mind Creates what it pictures in the lpha frequency/ This alpha level works specially in the RIGHT hemisphere. It is the realm of thought, feeling and emotion .
HYPNOSIS is the state of mind where our conscious mind is made to be near to sleep and suggestions are given to the subconscious mind directly. It is neither a sleep nor awake, nor unconscious, infact our mind is more alert and completely aware of our surroundings, our body completely relaxed.

To support these tarnsitions

PRAN means the LIFE force or the VITAL energy. Our body is inside a balloon which protects us, whenever a negative thought or a disease attacks our body; first it has to bust this balloon. The Balloon is called as the AURA. Our AURA gets dull, broken and diffused if there is a problem in physical body or mental body.
PRANIC healing is the healing of the AURA so that it can heal our physical plane. The vital energy is enhanced, in this not only the physical body is healed but also the mental & spiritual body.


POSITIVE and NEGATIVE thoughts both comes in our mind. Our life become peaceful & Happy by positive thoughts. But by NEGATIVE thoughts it destroys our PHYSICAL, MENTAL & INTELLECTUAL health.
BRAIN controls our body & give message to our body. If brain is full of NEGATIVE thoughts then it stops our LIEF POWER. It also effects our CHAKRAS which is ENERGY center& become our AURA weak & splits as a small particle.
PSYCHIC / COSMIC Surgery protects from the effects of NEGATIVE energy. By using various process in blending FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL & SPIRITUAL status can be increased.
Healing is provided using various SUB CONSCIOUS MIND / COSMIC treatments.


A word is an expression, its first form is thought, first we think then we speak up. Thought is like an atom and word is nothing but the substance. Power lies in both, and that can be felt.
In MANTRA YOGA, WORDS are beaded in a way that if each word of the mantra passes through the chakras in a proper way, then the mantra gets its meaning called MANTRA SIDDHI and we get miraculous results instantly. If we chant mantras superficially through mouth many times, it gives a lesser effect as compared to chanting through the throat or the heart less number of times and chanting through the chakra just once.
If MENTAL& PHYSICAL problem arises the special MNATRA is blown by special techniques to get relieve. MANTRA Healing works like blessing.


CRYSTALS are formed by nature in the rocks. They have an electromagnetic field around them and are able to receive maximum energy from the COSMOS and energize the surroundings.
CRYSTALS are used in the healing widely, due to their energy receiving capability, and a Strong AURA. CRYSTALS help in removing energy blockage and negative thoughts on subtle energetic level.


PYRAMIDS are used to balance the energy. PYRAMID is a greek word. ‘PYRA’ means FIRE and ‘MID’ means ‘CENTER’. So pyramid means ‘FIRE in the CENTER’ or ‘ENERGY in the CENTER’. The principle is accumulating maximum energy in the center.
PYRAMIDS help us to increase the energy of a place by the accumulation of maximum energy. Pyramids are used for healing purpose. Various wounds and diseases can be healed easily.

Holistic Therapies: ReAllign Body, Mind, Soul and Space

  • Aura Healing
  • Pyra Healing
  • Crystal Healing
  • Mantra Healing
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Psychic/Cosmic surgery
  • Right / Mid Brain Activation
  • NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programing
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Technique
  • Hypnosis for Stress Reduction & Relaxation 
  • Past Life Regression & Future life Progression

Dr. Racchna Paremar Awards and Honours

Media Acknowledgements